Why people don't like leap years. Leap year: signs and superstitions.


It cannot be said that on the eve of the New Year, everyone, except children, is in a good high spirits. Last year turned out to be too full of sad and sad incidents. Does not add joy and that next year will be a leap year. However, with such gloomy mood the holiday is not recommended, so let's try to think rationally about how real our fears are when trying to consider the near future. It is possible that thanks to this, the coming 12 months will not seem so gloomy.

This day occurs once every four years and is associated with many superstitions and different beliefs of people. The calendar we use is related to the solar year - the time the Earth makes for the full tour of the sun. Maybe you think it's exactly 365 days, but it's not. The Earth makes a full tour of the Sun exactly 365 days and 6 hours. This leaves a residue that is accumulated and added to the calendar every four years when it is collected one day. The addition of one day is just an alignment to avoid shifting in the seasons.

If everyone calendar year was exactly 365 days, then in summer, in particular, in December and winter in August, it was gradually pushed. Indeed, the leap year lasted for a long time from 46 BC. when the Roman leader Julius Caesar introduced the practice. If you're wondering why, why it is believed that his astronomers offered him this simple solution to the problem of the calendar and extra time. They additionally add time and rely on observations of the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

Leap year - what does it mean, is it good or bad?

If the second month of winter has 29 days instead of 28, then the year is called a leap year. It appears due to a small discrepancy in our astronomical calendar of the number of days with the actual time during which our planet makes a complete circuit around the Sun. Since this happens in 365 days and 6 hours, the non-containable "tail" scientific world it was decided to take into account in the "extra" day of February.

In many countries around the world, if a child is born on February 29, it is recorded as the date of March 1 or February 28 and is mandatory. The next leap year will be In the English-speaking world, the frog is the symbol of the leap year. This was necessary to synchronize the Swedish calendar with the Julian calendar. It is believed that when the first rain of a leap year has ended, it is good to go under the falling drops of happiness and success.

  • This year, two days were added in February, not just one.
  • So this is the only year in history that she had February 29th and 30th.
We hope that now we learn a little more about the leap year and that it was fun and interesting!

Leap year means that February of this year is one day longer.

In fact, the extra day in the year has no effect on the world, since its appearance is a tribute to convention. If in the lives of people, countries on the eve of a leap year occurred negative changes, then the formed tendency, if countermeasures are not taken, will continue due to circumstances and further, and not because of an “extra” day.

Now it's up to the end of the day to share new things with friends and family. You will surely be impressed with your knowledge! Every year in Russia on May 9th they celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany during World War II. This event does not miss even Russian kindergartens or their schools. Propaganda of militarism has become the basis in the education of the young Russian generation. It is even believed that a special love for the motherland should be expressed precisely at this parade, when huge iron cars with a deafening roar move along hot asphalt.

However, people who are distrustful of any changes in life tend to "look for an elephant in every fly" and expect bad things at every opportunity. Due to this, in a leap year, many see social and political troubles. It is logical to assume that with such an attitude, the execution of any large-scale cases for many will be carried out with insufficient zeal and, as a result, standard of living this will definitely go down. As a result, the leap year will be blamed for the worsened state of affairs, and not their carelessness.

Although not only technology deserves attention, but also the direct speech of the leader of Russia. It is interesting to see that these parades are remembered from the very beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. On this day, Red Square in Moscow for the first time passed the equipment and troops of the 810th Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet, deployed in the occupied Sevastopol, in Crimea. President Putin called the holiday a day of triumph for the Russian people and attended a second parade in adjoining Crimea. The most popular slogan in Russia is "Crimea is ours."

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, soldiers and representatives of foreign countries were invited to Moscow. Among them was UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. In his speech, Putin stressed that in the post-war period: the United Nations was created and a system of modern international law. These institutions have proven effective in resolving disputes and conflicts. Although in recent decades the basic principles of international cooperation have been increasingly ignored.

wedding during this period

In the old days, in a leap year, professional matchmakers were left without work, because the girls were given the right to independently choose a spouse. It is possible that this is precisely why the expression “you cannot marry” was born - as an indication of the fact that when a family was formed, the initiative was transferred to women. Over time, the essence of the tradition was lost, but a warning rule appeared that did not recommend starting a family in a year whose February has 29 days. Since it was believed that a married couple was expected:

This phrase of the Russian President is a prime example of the hypocrisy of the Kremlin, because all international rules and principles are ignored by Russia, and the United Nations has proved its failure even in terms of its military aggression against Ukraine. Regular Russian army continues to live on the territory of Ukraine, despite world concerns and international sanctions.

On the central square in Moscow, from the lips of the President of Russia it sounded that today's grandchildren of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War continue to protect the interests of Russia. But as we see Russian interests have recently been transferred to other countries. The attention of all Russians has been shifted from internal problems to another Russian military adventure. On this day, Russian soldiers from the Air Force "Heime" in Syria for the first time participate in the parade - from military equipment and aircraft of the GCC RF.

  • unstable financial situation,
  • unhappy life together.

Interestingly, divorce in a non-standard year is also not recommended. According to forecasts, such couples are guaranteed a lack of personal happiness in the future. But for the most determined connoisseurs of traditional recommendations, a loophole has been left:

If a spouse released from marital obligations comes to church with a towel and utters the cherished words “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me.”

This year it was decided that Russia was the 72nd spring without a war. Although, as journalist Arkady Babchenko noted, Russia is the successor to the USSR and has already participated in at least 30 military conflicts as an independent state. Over the past decade, this has been the war in Georgia, the annexation of Crimea and military operations in the Donbass, as well as military operations in Syria.

There is no need to remind that today, at this parade, we are seeing the same military equipment and weapons that are already registered in the occupied Ukrainian Donbas. With a complete Russian Armaments Data Center of the Armed Forces Russian Federation you can find out from the link.

That is, there is a chance that the one who performed the rite will still be able to find his true "native" soul mate.

Even for those who get married in the church, a verbal amulet has been invented, which must be pronounced by the priest performing the ceremony. It sounds like this: “I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end.”

For example, armored personnel carriers "Tigr" and "Shotrell", armored personnel carriers BTR-82A, tanks, RGO "City" and "Smerch", tank complexes "Panzer-S1" and "Smokeless complexes" and "Tor". Previously, and what samples of Russian military stores can be seen at the parade in the occupied Ukrainian city of Donetsk.

A special "highlight" of yesterday's parade in Moscow was air group, pilots are war veterans in the Syrian military, knowing how much suffering they have caused and how much death with their high impact on the Syrian civilian population. All this military equipment and weapons will not bring peace to the world, but only war. And if in Ukraine memorable events May 8-9 will be held under the slogan "Never again!" In Russia, the mantra is aggressive "We can do it again!".

Birth of a child

Superstition favors newborns in a leap year, promising a good fate in all respects. So you need boldly, then two.

What does it mean to be born in a long year?

Omens regarding people born in a leap year, oddly enough, are very favorable. Such people are prophesied luck in business, an easy fate. Those who were born on a rare day in February are credited with beyond possibility: the gift of divination.

During the hunt, a dispute arose about the fastest bird in Europe. He then decided that it would be useful to have a book containing answers to such questions. It became a bestseller in the UK. Since then, the book has expanded more and more to include any odd entries.

We offer you some entries that have just entered the book and are definitely "crazy". The oldest gymnast in the world in Johannes Kaas from Germany. The 86-year-old lady is still racing amateurs. Mustafa Adele from Egypt has the largest biceps in the world. The left has a circumference of 77 centimeters in a tight position and 77 centimeters in calmness.

For those born on a “strange day”, this actually means that every three years in a row, legal name days will have to be celebrated either on February 28 or March 1.

What can and cannot be done in a year with 29 days in February?

You cannot do:

  • For a taboo on a haircut (In order not to harm the health of the unborn child).
  • Those planning new events, business projects, talk about plans. (However, if the intentions cannot be notified to the partners, then what business will get off the ground?).
  • To drown the kittens. (No comment).
  • Sell ​​any domestic animals (Then the livestock farmers will definitely seem hungry for a year).
  • Caroling. (Otherwise, a person may be exposed to circumstances under the influence of which he will change greatly).
  • Lay the foundation of the house, build a bath. Otherwise, everything erected will soon become unusable or disappear due to fire. (Apparently, in some cities for a decade the leap year has firmly established itself and is not going to leave).
  • Change place of residence, source of income.
  • Celebrate the "First Tooth" holiday. (As a punishment for non-compliance with the recommendation, you can get bad teeth for life).
  • Go out on a quiet hunt for mushrooms. (Experienced connoisseurs say that every four years the mycelium is renewed, which negatively affects the quality of even good mushrooms - they become unsuitable for food. However, on which stump can you read in what years the local mycelium experienced a rejuvenation process?).
  • Prepare funeral equipment for the future.
  • Travel far from home. If you can’t get away from the journey, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy. Or just wish yourself a mental quick and safe return to the same house - if there is a desire to return to it.

Rolf Buscholz has 453 earrings on his body. He lives in Dortmund, Germany. Rob says he has 94 earrings near his lips, 25 on his eyebrows, 8 on his nose and 278 on his genitals. Axel Rosales from Argentina has 280 earrings on his face. The longest chain of kisses.

Most of the channels are broadcast in live in the Internet. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was viewed online by 72 million viewers. Chris Walton, nicknamed The Duchess, from Las Vegas is the woman with the longest nails in the world. Most dogs are jumping ropes.

How 13 dogs jump on a rope that we do not know, but circus trainers from Japan reached it and entered the Guinness Book of Records. Such ominous accusations and rumors are perceived not only in our folk culture but also in the folklore of many other peoples. Until then, we must choose whether we believe in faith or create own feelings and beliefs.

You can and should do:

  • Burn the old slippers, and put a new pair in their place. It is recommended to burn your used slippers, pronouncing phrases with the wish to burn in the observed fire to all troubles and misfortunes.
  • Thank you at new year's eve the forces of the Cosmos for all the good things that happened in the past year, household members, luck in business.
  • Hearing a dog howl at any distance from you, you need to say: "Go howl, but not to my house."
  • Planting a garden with seedlings, sowing seeds, say something like: “I plant, but I won’t go into the ground.” (Maybe it's better not to spend everything in the garden free time and give yourself a break sometimes?).

How dangerous is this year?

In fact: what you want, that's what you expect.

In our culture, a leap year is a time when marriages are not good. In the past, however, this was a time when women had the right to choose a bride, and not their parents, as in the rest of the time. The wedding, however, is to take place next year. Pregnant women should stay away from sharp objects during a leap year. For this reason, they must not be cut, not only in order to prevent a bad accident, but in order not to miss the happiness of the newborn in the future.

Young families are not recommended to buy new house, car or other valuable property because they could lose it. Changing jobs during a leap year is not a good idea because it won't bring the desired success. The property must not be sold during a leap year. Leave deals for next year. According to the belief, if you do this, the next year will be even more profitable than the jump!

People who believe in the unfavorable aura of a leap year are preparing to receive from it:

  1. complications in the life of the country and a person in particular (due to political or religious instability, which, as a rule, is reflected in the everyday level of citizens of the state and the world);
  2. crop problems (unpredictable frosts, problems with precipitation, excessive solar activity, migration of crop-damaging insects);
  3. difficulties in concluding partnership agreements, delays in terms of previously concluded agreements;
  4. health problems, reduced immune forces.

It is dangerous because, having succumbed to the influence of superstitions, a person will begin to lead a less active position. Because of this, even when he may refuse a good career offer, business project, partnership or marital relations. And good chances in any field don't happen all that often.

In Western European cultures, the making of deals in the Middle Ages was then carried over to the following year. Everyone thought that the 366 days in the calendar were unlucky because of the devil's number 66, which is part of the total. calendar days. People born on February 29th don't have to wait until their fourth birthday to celebrate. It is best to celebrate on February 28 or March 1. Otherwise, they'll be lucky.

Although in general a leap year and February 29, speaking for four years will be considered negative and azimuth was lucky, people born on this day are considered chosen by God and special, regardless of the bad reputation of this day. Everyone around him believed that God would punish them for their courage, because in the same year there was a lunar eclipse.

Therefore, it is up to you to choose: to build your life with an eye on ancient superstitions that can exist today in the form of concepts that distort the real essence, or to approach the solution of existing problems in an adult way.

Considering the growing popularity of all kinds of negative predictions during periods of financial crises, with the intensification of political confrontations on the world stage, it can be assumed that next year many of the people around will fall into a kind of somnambulistic state and will show low social activity.

History, however, proves how successful and useful the civilization of this expedition was. In many cultures, both western and eastern, marriage is the biggest concern during a leap year. For the British, Greeks, Bulgarians, Central Europeans, this superstition exists.

But the Scots have solved their problem - they think that if they wear red lining under their clothes, they will be protected from all evil. Well, are you lucky on a leap year? Monday was the first major bank to raise mortgages. If the next step is added, it will be an unprecedented jump in mortgage valuation and customers will be worth thousands of dollars a year, according to Compare.

The following benefits can be derived from this:

Take a better look at the environment: employees, associates and partners who will make fateful decisions without making allowances for the superstitious restrictions that exist for 2016 are the main driving backbone of your business.

Such people do not draw conclusions on the basis of unsubstantiated conclusions, but are guided by purely facts. An exception can be made only for people - if there are such people in your circle - who really have super abilities and pump the necessary information, as they say, “out of thin air”. Although in fact they are most likely just great analysts.

The first of the major banks decided to take the strenuous step after several months of gradual discounting of mortgages. Clients expect a phased increase in rates, tightening of terms and conditions and cancellation of long-term fixations. In addition, there is an increase in rates and further tightening. Banks, as recommended by the Czech National Bank, are even more inclined to limit mortgages that exceed 85% of the property's value. Mortgages on 100% of the value of the property will practically disappear.

The fall in real estate prices destabilizes the banking market, and the valuation methodology of real estate appraisers is charged with a real estate bubble, which is and so is burning up real estate prices. According to Porovneich, the rates of individual banks were already different, and the differences in monthly installments were in the thousands of CZK. The bank's first steps make the offer even more volatile.

When concluding contracts with new partners, first try to find out their ins and outs in personal life. If it turns out that a person is superstitious by nature, then:

  1. you can take on the role of a superbeing and make sure that the desired partner now and then catches the eye of “signs” indicating great benefits for him in cooperation with you;
  2. be prepared for the fact that a change in the terms of the agreements may occur unexpectedly, since the representative on the other side will dream something wrong, dream.

In a leap year, there is one more day. This event, which regularly takes place every four years, raises many concerns. Many people believe that a leap year brings bad luck. But what is it really?

From the history of superstition

The extra day of a leap year, February 29, has been considered unlucky in Russia from time immemorial. The prejudice against him has pagan roots...

On February 29, our ancestors specifically named Kasyanov Day, on the day of the saint, about whom they said that he had an unkind character, and he was not inclined to help people in their affairs.

Therefore, all work before February 29 was in a hurry to complete. It was believed that the sun on this day is Kasyan's Eye. On this day, they tried not to leave the hut, so that Kasyan, looking with his own eye, would not take away wealth and health from the one he looked at

In fact, the history of the leap year is rooted in antiquity and is associated more with the need than with the desire of our ancestors to diversify the calendar. After all solar year lasts 365 days and 6 hours, while the calendar is 365 days. For four years, whole "extra" days run up. If people did not attach importance to this difference, the calendar year over many centuries would noticeably shift and cease to correspond to the solar year. For the first time this important fact was noticed by the Egyptian pharaoh Ptolemy III. And the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar ordered exactly one day to lengthen every fourth year. To correct errors in the old calendar, Caesar added three months to 46 BC. and stretched it to 445 days. It was the most long year in the history of mankind!


Leap years are no worse than ordinary years, according to the statistics set out in the Chronicle of Humanity. This is a book that contains all the most notable dramas and tragedies that have happened on Earth over the past few millennia. The facts show that only a small percentage (about a tenth) of the most terrible events in the entire history of the world fell during a leap year.

This means that hurricanes, earthquakes and wars occur completely spontaneously and "do not adjust" to an extra day on the calendar. In addition, if there were no tragedies on the account of leap years at all, it would seem even more suspicious to skeptics!

Everything will be fine!

Leap year is not a natural concept. It was invented by people so as not to confuse summer with winter over time. Therefore, the fear of the year, which brings misfortune, is purely psychological in nature. After all, if you tune in to trouble in advance, that something bad will happen this year, then you associate all the trouble with this. But in fact, everything is simple here - this year is only a day longer than usual. So better be glad that this year we have an extra 24 hours.

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Dream Interpretation. Eastern calendar. Interesting Facts